blogging tips
'A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged in chronological order, and can be viewed in HTML browser.' By Harvard University
'A blog is a web site posted an item on a regular basis and displayed in chronological order backwards. The term blog is short for weblog or web log. Making up a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called "blogging". Each article on a blog called "blog writing", "writing" or "input". The person who writes or put and maintain the writing on a blog called "blogger". A blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to web pages and video, audio and other files). Blog using documentation in the style of conversation. Often blogs focus on "areas of interest", such as Washington, DC, politics is in progress, and some blogs discuss personal experiences. by Simple.
'A frequent chronological publication of one's mind and in the form of web links.' By Marketingterms dictionary
'From the words "Web log." A blog is basically a journal that is available on the Web. Renew Activities blog called "blogging" (or blogging in the Indonesian language) and someone who manages blog called "bloggers." By Computersprintersrepairshouston.com / glossary
'A weblog is a kind of guided tour of sustainable human you know. There are a lot of guidance that can be selected, and all of them develop an audience, and there is friendship and political relationship between the manager pointed to another blog and everything in the form of structures, graphs, flow, etc. 'Newhome / History of Weblogs
'A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. Activities update the blog is "blogging" and someone who makes a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are usually updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain blogs. Posts on this blog are almost always arranged in order of date by the addition cronological the most prominent feature. Writing in a blog are almost always in chronological order with the addition of the most recent features of the most prominent. "Matisse.net / glossary
So, What is a blog?
Still confused? Darren Rowse simplify it like this:
"A blog is a kind of web sites that are usually arranged in chronological order of writing (" post ") the most recent at the top of the main page longer and under.
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'A blog is a web site posted an item on a regular basis and displayed in chronological order backwards. The term blog is short for weblog or web log. Making up a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called "blogging". Each article on a blog called "blog writing", "writing" or "input". The person who writes or put and maintain the writing on a blog called "blogger". A blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to web pages and video, audio and other files). Blog using documentation in the style of conversation. Often blogs focus on "areas of interest", such as Washington, DC, politics is in progress, and some blogs discuss personal experiences. by Simple.
'A frequent chronological publication of one's mind and in the form of web links.' By Marketingterms dictionary
'From the words "Web log." A blog is basically a journal that is available on the Web. Renew Activities blog called "blogging" (or blogging in the Indonesian language) and someone who manages blog called "bloggers." By Computersprintersrepairshouston.com / glossary
'A weblog is a kind of guided tour of sustainable human you know. There are a lot of guidance that can be selected, and all of them develop an audience, and there is friendship and political relationship between the manager pointed to another blog and everything in the form of structures, graphs, flow, etc. 'Newhome / History of Weblogs
'A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. Activities update the blog is "blogging" and someone who makes a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are usually updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain blogs. Posts on this blog are almost always arranged in order of date by the addition cronological the most prominent feature. Writing in a blog are almost always in chronological order with the addition of the most recent features of the most prominent. "Matisse.net / glossary
So, What is a blog?
Still confused? Darren Rowse simplify it like this:
"A blog is a kind of web sites that are usually arranged in chronological order of writing (" post ") the most recent at the top of the main page longer and under.
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